When looking at how visitors interact with your site the bounce rate becomes a very useful bit of info, and by knowing the facts you can work towards improving your stats. CTR a little low? You might want to check your bounce rate.
What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate, put simply, is the percentage of bounced visits to your site.They jump in, they bounce out. This is how Google describes bounced visits ...
- A user clicks on a link deep into your site sent by a friend, reads the information on the page, and closes the browser.
- A user comes to your home page, looks around for a minute or two, and immediately leaves.
- A user comes directly to a reference page on your site from a web search, leaves the page available in the browser while completing other tasks in other browser windows and the session times out.
So you can see why it could be important to know this stat.
Improve Bounce Rate with related posts
To improve bounce rate we need to give users a reason to continue digging around our site and one of the easiest ways to do this is to place a related posts/content widget below your posts.Related posts/content widgets usually display the title and sometimes a short summary of maybe 4 or 5 posts. Using thumbnails is great way of catching peoples attention. Check out the example image below...
By offering further information related to the content of the page or even something that looks interesting to read, you are not only supplying readers with a wealth of information you are keeping them engaged and more importantly on site.
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