If you approach survey taking in the right way you can earn a nice bit of cash, but you will NOT get rich or even make a modest living from them so don't get ahead of yourself.
Here are ten tips to help you maximise your survey taking efforts and hopefully generate more cash for your pocket...
Set a goal
By this I mean, what do you need the extra cash for. Doing this will allow you to be realistic about how much you will earn, and give you something to aim for so you don't just give up like most. For example, you could be saving for a new games console or for this years Christmas presents.Do your research
There are lots of survey companies out there and not all of them are legit. It pays to do a little research on the company before signing up as you could end up spending a lot of time and effort on a scam or a bad deal.Set up a dedicated email account
You don't want to miss surveys because they are buried in other personal mail so setting up an account solely for surveys is a must. Remember to store your login details so you don't forget them.Check your junk folder
Believe it or not, many people miss out on paying surveys because they have not bothered to check there junk folder. If your surveys are going to your junk folder, make sure you redirect them to your inbox.Sign up with multiple survey sites
If you want to get the most out of survey taking you need to sign up to as many sites as possible as surveys can be sent very infrequently. Some sites only send out 1 survey per month. You know what they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket.9 Legitimate Paid Survey Sites Worth Joining
Be conservative with the truth
Most survey sites will send you surveys based on your profile e.g. your job, hobbies, shopping habits etc so it can be pay to be a little cheeky and not be entirely truthful, after all they only have your word for it ; )Check email account every day
Another way people loose earnings from survey sites is that they don't check their emails regularly. Most surveys will have a end date so it makes sense to check your email once a day to make sure you don't get to it too late and miss out.Take as many surveys as you can
Taking surveys can be a long a boring process with some surveys lasting up to an hour but don't be put off and only do a few. You need to complete as many as you can because you will not qualify for payment on all surveys, this can be based on your profile and other factors like the amount of people who have already completed the survey.If they have a referral program, use it
If the sites you join have referral programs, use them. You could end up making more money from referring people than you do taking surveys. There is nothing to lose.Relax
Don't stress yourself too much about surveys, they will not make you rich and it can take some time to make some cash, so have fun with it.Remember, it takes a long time to make a decent amount of cash from surveys so stick at it.
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