Make Cash Online From Your Articles With Squidoo

Squidoo, you have probably heard of it, but have you used it? Up until recently all I really knew about Squidoo is that it drives major traffic and that people love it. I saw it as yet another place where you can submit your articles and maybe get some exposure, but I didn't realise the full potential of this site until I signed up and dived in.

In this post I will be talking about and how you can use it to make money online.

What is Squidoo?

Development on Squidoo started in 2005, launching a beta testing period in October of that year. The launch team consisted of Seth Godin, his book editor Megan Casey, former Fast Company employee Heath Row, Corey Brown, and Gil Hildebrand, Jr.

Squidoo is a user-generated website which uses the concept of a lens as its primary feature. In his ebook "Everyone's an Expert," Godin describes a lens as "focusing light and showing us what we need to see."

The site came out of beta testing two months later and reached 100,000 lenses within the first six months.

What is a Lens?

Lenses are much like blog posts, except they're on a single subject.
The users who create lenses are called "lensmasters" (like Webmaster). A lensmaster can be anyone with an interest in a specific subject; they do not necessarily have to be experts.

Squidoo also offers many ways to enhance a publishers lenses through things called modules. Modules work much in the same way as widgets. They basically add extra functionality to your Squidoo pages e.g. Guest comments, Link List, RSS Feed and video modules plus many more.

You can also earn points and trophies related to your activity on the site, these can be used to unlock more tools and other content you can use to add more functionality to a lens.

Before you start creating your lens check out the Originality Pact.


How can I make money online with Squidoo?

The site also allows content creators to make money online from referral links to sites using modules like and Ebay. Lensmasters also get a share in the advertising revenue generated from Google ads and in-text ads on their lens.

Lensmasters can track their earnings through the easy to use dashboard and also see other statistical data about the activity on their lens.

Sqidooo also gives users the option to give a share of their profits to charity. This is a great way for top money makers to give a little help to those who need it.

Check out this page for more info on building a lens:

Royalties and Payments

As I'm fairly new to Squidoo I have decided to link this section to a brilliant lens I found that explains in much greater detail than I can, how Squidoo's earnings, Payouts & Royalties work.

Here is the link:


Lenses are moderated before they are made 100% live to make sure there is no duplicate content being submitted, so make sure your lens is unique before submitting.

Use all the tools available to make your lens as interesting as possible, also interlink your lenses if you can. As well as interlinking, getting some backlinks to your lenses will help them do better in search engines.

Like all ways to make money online, you need to stick at it. The more articles you have, the more money you make.

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