Making Money With Twitter Followers and Sponsored Ads

Make money with Twitter
Can you make money with Twitter in your spare time?

Yes, you can! Use minutes of the day that are usually wasted and make them precious minutes. Twitter bloggers have built huge followings that read every tweet which lands in their Twitter in-box. Internet companies have build platforms to match Twitter bloggers with brick and mortar companies which are in need of buyers.

They realise more and more the potential to bring Twitter bloggers and companies selling physical products together. Companies offering their products are desperately looking for prospects in social media. Here Twitter bloggers can offer their potential with their followers. Twitter bloggers are offered the potential to make a dollar or two on Twitter, some even make really good money.

New Internet platforms connect bloggers with companies that are willing to compensate them for tweeting on their site. Twitter users can sign up, be evaluated and finally get paid for putting sponsored tweets on their site. The company pays them for this privilege. Big nationwide outlets for example are paying one dollar for each click on specific Twitter sites.

Companies which use this service are among all classes, small- to medium-sized business and also some of the nationwide 500 biggest companies. For marketers it is a wonderful business because they have access to the entire database of Twitter users and can select and pay the ones which are suitable to advertise their products. There is a payment schedule which is based on the experience of the tweeter user and the number of clicks followers place on their page.

However, for users which pocket spare change using sponsored Twitter messages it is a lot of fun. On the other hand the invasion of marketers into the sphere of Twitter could be considered littering. Filling your in-box with worthless product proposals will not be welcomed by everyone on Twitter. There are Twitter users which have concentrated on collecting a strong database of Twitter followers which they can supply with product tweets and cash in on them.

The danger for bloggers distributing sponsored tweets is that annoyed followers might switch to un-follow. If Twitter gets commercialized they might lose their popularity and the genuine conversation. Everyone has to think about it. If somebody on Twitter speaks highly about a product, his followers have the right to know if it is genuine or a sponsored ad. There are bloggers that insist that each sponsored ad has to carry some kind of disclosure.

For companies sponsoring ads on Twitter there is also danger. Will the message carry hope or desperation? Branding experts recommend that companies move slowly into the blogging area of Twitter. Today however, much more valuable is still advertising by word of mouth.

For tweeters it can also be dangerous. If they stuff their feeds with unwanted ads, they might lose their followers. Even friends can be distracted and quit their following, particularly if they followed a sponsored message and did not know that it was not only a friendly hint. Some bloggers however welcome the trend because they can make a little payback and earn some money for their work they have put into building up their blogging followers.

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