5 Social Media Marketing Tools you should use For Your Online Business

Social media marketing is a powerful form of online advertising and all businesses today should be using it if they want to get results.

Here are a few social media marketing tools that you can use to grow your business.

1. Facebook

The Most Popular Social Media Marketing Website
The first website you should sign up for is Facebook, if you have not already done so. There are a number of tools you can use here including the business or personal profiles, Facebook ads, groups, pages, etc. Use as many as you can.

2. Twitter

Twitter is another good social tool and one that is quick and easy to use. It can also be connected with a number of other social networks to make your life easier and improving your results.

3. Digg

Digg is the social bookmarking website to belong to (in addition to Stumbleupon which we will look at next). The idea here is to bookmark all your articles, social content and content pages as you can. Also try to build up your friendships on these websites so that more people are aware when you add pages to these websites.

4. Stumbleupon

Stumbleupon is another bookmarking website and again the principles we mentioned above apply here but also spend time stumbling new websites and marking those you like.

5. Hub Pages

Hub Pages is a social content sharing website. While you are writing articles for EzineArticles also write some for Hub Pages and place them on this website. In addition you can use other modules such as Amazon.com module, eBay, and more to help increase your chances of making money with this website. I have also found it a good way to increase your AdSense income and of course get traffic to your website.

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